crystal-wands-1Crystal Wands, Tuners and Their Use

Dawn’s Energy Technique

In preparation for energy clearing and chakra aligning, hold the wand (by the handle with crystal side up) between your two palms and roll gently between your hands. This activates the wand. Take three cleansing breaths and clear your mind while focusing on your connection with your higher consciousness from above. Now that your mind is clear, stand facing the person to be cleared.  If clearing yourself, hold the wand above your head and in front of your body.

Hold the wand horizontally in your hand, start above the head, and work your way slowly down the front of the body. Noticing points where the wand will want to slow down or stop and feeling the tension created by a disruption of energy, allow the wand to slow down or stop on its own. Progress down the front of the body keeping in mind the charkas are most affected by energy and are sometimes out of balance. When you reach the lower stomach area, rotate the want 180 degrees while holding the wand in place until completely rotated.



Slowly raise the wand, feeling the energy balance as it rises and the chakras align. Move slowly, noticing the energy in the body is feeling heavy and warm. As you lift the wand, notice the wand is getting heavy in the same areas as during the descent. Push through the heaviness, keep a slow pace and allow the disrupted energy to lift and be removed from the body. Continue raising the wand until you reach the crown chakra and the energy has been cleared.

This make take practice. As you clear yourself and others more often, you become more comfortable and attuned to the energy of the wand. While cleansing and aligning, you may receive information about the person being cleared. This occurs naturally while opening the energy centers and may become increasingly effective. Some people are more in tune with the information and some are more in tune with the energy.


Crystal Wand Back Massage

The wands serve a dual purpose. They can be used as above and they are wonderful massage tools.

Take the round end of the silica glass handle and place it against pressure points along the back and back. Using gentle pressure against these points and kneading back and forth will release stored negative energy. Then, moving the wand in ever larger circular motions energizes the weak spot left behind by releasing the negative energy.

There are release points all along the neck and adjacent to the spine. With a bit of practice you can gently release the negative energy along these points. Other pressure points around the body hold negative energy. One place is the top of the head. We have found that a gentle kneading of the cranial sutures will unlock crown charka energy. Each chakra will, if activate by the use of the wand, open to its natural harmonic state.



Energy Clearing and Chakra Balancing with Your Energy Window


Energy Clearing and Chakra Balancing

You can use administer this technique on yourself or do it for another person.

  • Working with whichever hand is most comfortable, hold your Window between your thumb and middle finger to activate the wand.
  •  Take three cleansing breaths and clear your mind while focusing on your connection with the Divine from above. (Or fill in the GAP if you know that technique.)
  • With your mind clear, stand facing the person to be cleared. If clearing yourself, hold the Window in front of your body and above your head. It should be parallel to and about 6 inches away from the body.
  • Starting above the head, work your way slowly down the front of the body.
    • Notice there will be points where the Window will want to slow down or stop. Allow it to slow down or stop on its own. Feel the tension created by the disruption of energy.
  • Progress down the body, keeping in mind the chakra areas are the most affected by energy and are sometimes off balance.
  • When you reach the base/root chakra, rotate the Window 120 degrees. Hold the Window in the same spot while rotating.
  • Slowly raise the Window, feeling the energy balance as it rises and the chakras align.
    • Take your time. Notice the energy of the body is feeling heavy and warm. As you are lifting the Window notice it becomes heavy in the same areas as during the descent.
  • Push through the heaviness, keeping a slow pace and allowing the disrupted energy to lift and be removed from the body.
  • Continue raising the window until you reach the crown chakra and the energy has been cleared.
  • This may take practice.
  • Remember: People perceive energy differently. Instead of a feeling of heaviness, you may prickling, hear static or see colors.


Chakra Balancing

  • Taking the Window and placing it above the head followed by lowering it slowly through the body’s energy fields will tell the user where the weak areas are located.
  • Slowly bringing the Window into each chakra balance point will create a gentle harmonic sense of balance & refreshing lightness.